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BIGGEST CHALLENGES When Selling a House For Sale By Owner

for sale by owner home sellers edition selling faqs true stories yhye podcast May 03, 2024

What's the top challenge when selling a house For Sale By Owner (FSBO)?

In Part 2 of this “tell-all” interview with Karen from YouTube Channel "Satisfied Spending", Karen reveals the biggest challenges she faced when selling a house For Sale By Owner...

Podcast Audio version of this episode available here:

If you missed Part 1, watch it here:

For Karen, the biggest challenge overall was knocking out the unfamiliar "micro challenges” that came up throughout the home selling process.  There are a lot of small tasks that may be simple on their own, but when you add them all up, they can make things seem overwhelming.

Karen also made a great point that many of these challenges will be there regardless of whether or not you list with a real estate agent, such as making sure the house is presentable and preparing for showings.

Many of the same challenges were experienced by home sellers we interviewed from Ocala, Florida.  To find out how they overcame the challenges they faced, listen to their full interview below:

Ocala Sellers Episode:

Another challenge for sellers that Karen pointed out is remembering to market your property in a way that highlights the hopes, dreams, and wants of the potential buyers.  Remember, they are focused on what their lives would look like in the home, so speak to them in a way that helps them imagine it!

Beware of staying too attached to your property during the process.  Rather than choosing a price based on what the home meant to you, it's important to choose a price that is in line with recently sold homes in your area.

Always remember that the sale of your property is not personal, it is a business transaction.  This can be extremely emotional for some homeowners, in which case it may be best to have a trusted individual around to help you process any feedback you receive from potential buyers or their real estate agents.


Now that we've met, we have some more great tips to share with you on how to sell your house quickly and easily in our FREE Webinar: "How to Easily Sell Your House & Keep Your Equity".


Want a step-by-step course packed with over 20 years of experience to help you sell your house? Check out the "Your House, Your Equity!" Course.


At Your House, Your Equity we've got you covered with the best tips on how to prepare to sell a house. You will also find all the tools you need to help you through the entire process. To learn more, check out our main site below.




For more episodes of the “Your House, Your Equity!” Podcast: Home Seller’s Edition, subscribe to our YouTube Channel or click the link below to subscribe to our show on your favorite Podcast platform.






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